1.ODM, OEM, Özelleştirilebilir
2. Bu Ürün Sertifikası: CE / ISO / EURO5 / EPA / SGS / ECM
3. Kabin Klima ile Donatılabilir
4. Bilgileri Doldurun, Temsilcimiz Olun!
rippa excavator is the largest small excavator manufacturer in China. The NDI230 is a large excavator weighing 22 tons. The NDI230 large excavator is suitable for road repair, land leveling, ground filling, pipeline laying, mining, and construction of reservoirs and rivers. Various working environments such as river dredging projects and construction projects. At the same time, this large Chinese excavator also has multiple functions such as excavation, crushing, trench clearing, drilling, and earthmoving.
Imported accessories can be used to improve the overall performance of the machine.
Silindir tek adımda dövülmüştür, kırılması kolay değildir ve yerleşik bir NOK sızdırmazlık halkasına sahiptir.
The ginseng is made of high-quality thickened steel and treated with plastic spraying technology to prevent rust and corrosion;
Today, we adopt an internationally renowned brand reducer, which operates smoothly and has high reliability;
360-degree body rotation, flexible body brings convenience to outdoor work
Cummins motor/pilot çok yollu valf/pilot kontrol kolu/klima/hidrolik hareket motoru/ithal yağ silindiri, yağ borusu dahili NOK sızdırmazlık halkası/LCD ekran
Korozyon önleyici ve aşınmaya dayanıklı mühendislik paletli/ayarlanabilir sürüş koltuğu/standart kova
Kırıcı/çekiç/odun tutucu/tırmık/döner matkap/büyük kova/çamur kovası
Tel. +8615628788742
E-posta. rippaloader@gmail.com
WhatsApp. Rippa Ekskavatör
Adres: Altıncı sanayi parkı, Jining şehri, Shandong Eyaleti, Çin
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